
1. On a totally selfish note if there is one good thing which has come out of all these racist attacks by Australians on Indians it is the fact that i can now confidently reject "alliances" from Australia saying "Sheeesh!! Amma would u rather have an unmarried daughter who is safe or a married daughter who has acid thrown on her face" :P or something like that.

2. I dont think I will ever get over my morbid fear of traveling alone in closed elevators. The minute the elevator doors close I dunno why but it feels like I am trapped in a dungeon and suddenly the opening of the dungeon is closing and it will be opened only after millions and millions of years by which time i would be fossil. The old elevators where you could see outside and see each floor didnt rankle me much but these ones give me the creeps. Brrr

3. Talking of elevators yesterday I did an audacious thing. I got into a elevator and just as the doors were about to shut a person who i totally loathe entered it. Now i totally totally loathe this guy for several reasons one of the main ones being trying to get fresh with a good friend of mine.
I didnt react and pretended like i didnt know him. So this was the conversation between us

LG (Loser guy): Heyyy!! You are from ABC aren't u (ABC being the name of a club to which i belong to. LG also was in the same club once and as luck would have it works in the same office as mine. Sheer misfortune. Sighhh)

Me: (putting on the dumbest stupidest expression I could manage): Eh?? ABC? Sorry?

LG: heyy!! Don't you remember that time when the whole group went out to Tada? You and your friend F had come?

Me: (desperately trying to hide my id card so he wouldnt see my name) I am sorry. I think you have the wrong person. I dont know any ABC

and i fled outta the elevator and called F and had a good laugh!! Since F was the one he hit on she was thrilled with my "acting dumb" with LG!! ;)

4. Despite having nonsensical KT sessions every evening from 6-7, one good thing is the fact that the conference room where I sit has there HUGE french windows which face the west and hence you can see the sunset and i have seem some Beautiful, Awe inspiring, Breath Taking sunsets in the past 2 weeks. The vibrant colors, the hues, the clouds, the sky AWESOME all of them. So much better than sitting and listening to something which makes no sense to you!! :-\

5. Finished reading Jeffery Archer's 'Paths of Glory' on Saturday and John Grisham's 'Associate' on Sunday. Two of my favorite writers for the amazing plots they weave. Just awesome. Archer has DEFINITELY written better stuff but I kind of liked Paths of Glory because its about a man who wants to climb the Everest (much like Yours Truly!! Ahem!! :P) and Associate is much like all other Grisham novels with some insight on the kind of life which law school grads and lawyers in general in the US lead. Nice time pass both books :).
Been trying to acquire Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh (Fallen in love with his writings after Hungry Tide and Glass Palace) but finances are extremely poor this month what with the deluge of birthdays. Why oh Why are Amitav Ghosh's books priced at 600 bucks? :-\
Hmmmm. And anyway I have a lot of books which I have bought but still haven't read (Catch 22 and Fyodor I promise you are next on my to read list :P)

6. I find the 140 characters rule in Twitter irritating. I usually have so much more than 140 words to say and being restricted to just 140 seems cruel. More often than not I cross the word limit and only half my tweet is posted. And the worst part is twitter in office doesn't show me the number of character so i just keep typing. For eg. The other day I had tweeted saying "I do not envy the job of security guards in office. Imagine having a job where you have to stare at everyone's chest every morning to see if they have id cards around their neck or not" and the tweet stopped with the word chest and I had everyone asking me what the hell it was that i meant by that tweet!! Gah!! :-\


You Liar!!

1. You did not buy the Fyodor!!
2. You Promised a gullible & innocent guy that you will lend him the two books.
3. You Are a Liar..
4. Read '3' again.

June 10, 2009 at 8:06 PM  

ah! yer unlimited optimism knows no bounds gal! that sure is a nice way to use the racist attacks to ur advantage!But umm...what if they start searchin in .....India? :-P :-P

scared of elevators?? then ye must take the stairs I tell you!! good health and cholestrol and all that sort of thing fitness freaks generally blab about!!
carry on kt-ing gal!

June 11, 2009 at 3:15 AM  

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